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Heidi Sharp Speaks at LELS Luncheon Series on Work/Parenting Balance

By Firm News, In the Community

Burgess Sharp & Golden partner Heidi Sharp gave a talk at the State Bar of Michigan’s Diversity Luncheon Series: “Balancing Parenthood & Legal Practice Without Dropping the Ball”. Fellow Labor & Employment Law Section members joined her at the Miller Canfield Detroit office for the seminar, which also featured presenters Naomi Oglesby of The Murray Law Group and Kevin Carlson of Kevin M. Carlson, PLLC.

Syeda Davidson Assists LGBTQ+ Youth With Workforce Navigation Skills

By Firm News, In the Community

Syeda Davidson is on the board of directors at Affirmations, a community center for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. One of the programs in which she is an active participant is the Cross the Line (XTL) Youth Workforce Development Program, which empowers LGBTQ+ youth with successful workforce navigation skills. Syeda arms participants with knowledge about employment law so that they know their rights when they enter the workforce.

Heidi Sharp Published in Maj Official Blog

By Firm News

Attorney Heidi Sharp was recently published in the Michigan Association for Justice Official Blog for an article she wrote regarding the doctrine of Judicial Estoppel, which prevents a party from assuming a legal position in one case and taking a contrary position in a subsequent case. Read the article here:

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